How to use 関わる (かかわる)

Meaning of 関わる

The Japanese verb "関わる" (かかわる, kakawaru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to be involved: Refers to being part of an activity or process.
    • Example: 彼はそのプロジェクトに深く関わっている。
    • Translation: He is deeply involved in the project.
  2. to affect: Having an impact or influence on something.
    • Example: 環境問題はすべての人に関わる問題だ。
    • Translation: Environmental issues affect everyone.
  3. to be related: Being connected or associated with a matter.
    • Example: この法律は私たちの日常生活に密接に関わっている。
    • Translation: This law is closely related to our daily lives.
  4. to be concerned: Showing concern or care for something.
    • Example: 彼は地域社会の問題に関わることを重視している。
    • Translation: He is concerned with community issues.
  5. to participate: Taking part actively in an event or activity.
    • Example: 彼女はボランティア活動に関わることが多い。
    • Translation: She often participates in volunteer activities.

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