How to use 記号 (きごう)

Meaning of 記号

The Japanese verb "記号" (きごう, kigou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Symbol / Mark: Refers to a sign or character representing an idea, object, or relationship.
    • Example: 数学では「+」が加算の記号です。
    • Translation: In mathematics, "+" is the symbol for addition.

Learn 記号 from Animes


オレが見たクセルクセスの大壁画 ざっと こんな感じだ
The large mural I saw in Xerxes, it's roughly like this.

What catches my attention is this symbol.

神を表す文字を 上下ひっくり返したもの
It's the character for "God" turned upside down.

そして 二頭の龍 これは完全なる存在を 示す
And then, the two dragons - this signifies a perfect being.


(プライド) これだけ明かりが あれば影 には事欠かない
(Pride) With this much light, there's no shortage of shadows.

Goodbye, chimera.

(エドワード) 危なかったな おっさん
(Edward) That was close, old man.

しっかし こんなガキが人造人間だったとは ね
But to think this kid was a homunculus...

I've been played.

Selim Bradley.

👉👉外見など 記号でしかありません
Appearance and such are nothing more than symbols.

Isn't that right?

The little alchemist's...

big brother.