How to use 背負う (せおう)

Meaning of 背負う

The Japanese verb "背負う" (せおう, seou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To carry on one's back: Refers to the physical act of carrying something on one's back.
    • Example: 彼は子供を背中に背負って歩いた。
    • Translation: He walked carrying a child on his back.
  2. To take on (a responsibility, burden, etc.): This is a more figurative use of the word, implying taking on responsibilities, burdens, duties, or obligations.
    • Example: 彼は家族のために重い責任を背負っている。
    • Translation: He is bearing a heavy responsibility for his family.
  3. To be burdened with (debts, problems, etc.): Similar to the second meaning but often used specifically in the context of debts, problems, or negative obligations.
    • Example: 彼は多額の借金を背負っている。
    • Translation: He is burdened with a huge debt.
  4. To have (a history, background, etc.): Used metaphorically to indicate that someone carries a certain history, background, or set of experiences with them.
    • Example: 彼女は辛い過去を背負っている。
    • Translation: She carries a painful past with her

Learn 背負う from Animes


Speaking of State Alchemists,

世間からは軍の犬なんて 呼ばれてる存在だ
they are seen as dogs of the military by society.

👉👉あの年で そんなの 背負わされてると思う となあ
To think that one so young is burdened with that.




the honorific title given to State Alchemists.

👉👉君が背負う その名は…
The name you will bear is...

The Fullmetal Alchemist.

いいねえ その重っ苦しい感じ
I like that heavy feeling.

Let's take it on, shall we?


男ってのは言葉より 行動で示す生き物だ から
Men are creatures who show through actions rather than words.

👉👉苦しいことはなるべくなら 自分以外の人に 背負わせたくない
They try not to burden others with their hardships as much as possible.


(Alphonse) Brother,

あれは賛同したボクも 同罪なんだから
since I agreed with it too, I'm equally guilty.

👉👉1人で背負ってるようなこと 言わないでよ
So don't talk like you're bearing it alone.


こっちにいるオレと あっちのアルの肉体が
Is there a possibility that my body here and Al's body over there

つながってる 可能性はないかってことだ
are connected?

ほら オレって 年の割に身長ちい…
Look, I'm short for my age...



(Winry) Admitted it.

(アルフォンス) 現実と向き合った
(Alphonse) Faced the reality.

👉👉うーん アルの肉体の成長分も エドが 背負ってる
Hmm, Ed might be bearing the growth meant for Al's body.

なんか 突拍子もない話ね
What a far-fetched story.

It's not far-fetched.

あんたは牛乳飲まないから 伸びないの
You don't grow because you don't drink milk.


👉👉(研究者) この国を背負って立つのは誰か な?
(Researcher) Who will stand bearing this country?

Could it be you?


錬金術が言うとおり この世の理が等価交換 ならば
If alchemy is correct and this world's principle is equivalent exchange,

新しく生まれてくる世代が 幸福を享受 できるように
so that the newly born generation can enjoy happiness,

👉👉その代価として 我々はしかばねを背負い―
as the price, we will carry corpses—

and cross a river of blood.


(ヘンシェル) 立てるか? 行くぞ
(Henschel) Can you stand? Let's go.

👉👉(バッカニア) 背負えるだけ背負って行け
(Buccaneer) Carry as much as you can handle.


新たな焰の錬金術師を 生み出さぬように
To ensure that no new Flame Alchemist is created,

I want to destroy the secrets carried on this back.

Is it not possible?

なら… 戒めを解いてください
Then... please release the restraint,

from what my father has burdened me with,

錬金術から 私を解放してください
from alchemy. Free me from it. Please

I beg you.


フッフッフッ 若い者が戦っておるのに―
Hahaha, when the young ones are fighting—

我ら大人が 寝ているわけにはいきますまい
we adults cannot simply be asleep.

👉👉(オリヴィエ) これから この世を背負っ ていく若者に―
(Olivier) To the youth who will carry the world from here on—

👉👉今 この世を 背負っている大人の―
We, the adults who are currently carrying the world—

我らの生きざまを 見せんでなんとする!
must show them how we live!