How to use ご苦労様 (ごくろうさま)
Meaning of ご苦労様
The Japanese verb "ご苦労様" (ごくろうさま, gokurōsama) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Acknowledgement of Effort: An expression used to thank someone for their hard work or effort, often in a workplace setting.
- Example: 今日は遅くまでごくろうさまでした。
- Translation: Thank you for your hard work today.
Learn ご苦労様 from Animes
(ロイ・マスタング) めでたく東方司令部 に 帰れることになった
(Roy Mustang) Fortunately, I've been reassigned back to the Eastern Command.
そりゃあ ご苦労さん
Well done.
次に来るときは准将ぐらいに なっとけよ 大佐
Next time you come, try to be at least a Brigadier General, Colonel.
(Mustang) Easier said than done.
(ヒューズ) ハッハッハッハッ
(Hughes) Hahahahaha.
ああ そうだ 帰るんなら先に渡しておこう
Yes, that's right. I'll give this to you before you leave.
(Mustang) What is it?
(ヒューズ) アイザック・マクドゥーガル に 関する最終報告書だ
(Hughes) It's the final report on Isaac McDougal.
(バリー) しかし 斬っちゃいけないって のは つまんねえな
(Barry) But not being allowed to cut is no fun.
(リン) もしもーし 銃が効かない人
(Ling) Hello? Someone impervious to bullets.
Let us out from here.
(バリー)なんだ おめえ
(Barry) What's with you?
I'm an illegal immigrant from Xing.
(バリー) ああそう 遠い国から ご苦労さん
(Barry) Oh, I see. Long journey, huh? Good job making it this far.
I'll help you out if you let us out.
(バリー) おめえにかまってるヒマ…
(Barry) I don't have time to mess with you...
(軍部上官) これでイシュヴァールは 完全に国軍の管轄に入った
(Military Superior) With this, Ishval is now completely under the military's control.
ご苦労だったな キンブリー少佐
Good work, Major Kimblee.
How about the Philosopher's Stone?
(ゾルフ・J・キンブリー) すばらしい です
(Zolf J. Kimblee) It's magnificent.
等価交換を無視して 予想以上の錬成を行え ましたよ
I was able to perform alchemy beyond expectations, ignoring the law of equivalent exchange.
よろしい 詳細を文書にして提出したまえ
Good. Prepare a detailed report.
(軍部上官) 石は返してもらおう
(Military Superior) I'll take the stone back.
(ダミアノ) 新手が来ます 急いで!
(Damiano) New ones are coming, hurry!
You got lucky.
オレたちがブリッグズ兵だったら お前は 死んでいた
If we were Briggs soldiers, you'd be dead.
大佐 お久しぶりです
Colonel, it's been a while.
うん ご苦労 グラマン中将は?
Yeah, thanks for your efforts. Where is General Grumman?
He's dealing with the aftermath of the train accident...
大総統が行方不明の件は 夫人には話してい ないのですか?
Have you not told the First Lady about the Führer going missing?
ああ 気絶でもされては 移動が困難になる
No, if she faints, it would make moving her difficult.