How to use 外科 (げか)

Meaning of 外科

The Japanese verb "外科" (げか, geka) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Surgery: Refers to the branch of medicine that treats diseases or injuries by operative manual and instrumental treatment.
    • Example: 彼は外科医だ。
    • Translation: He is a surgeon.

Learn 外科 from Animes


👉👉(ピナコ) せがれは… あの子の両親は 外科医だった
(Pinako) My son... Those children's parents were surgeons.

医者が足りないってんで 戦地に赴いたが…
They went to the battlefield because there was a shortage of doctors...

ひどい 戦いでした…
It was a terrible battle...