How to use 言い出す (いいだす)

Meaning of 言い出す

The Japanese verb "言い出す" (いいだす, iidasu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to start speaking: Initiating conversation or making an initial remark.
    • Example: 彼は突然何かを言い出した。
    • Translation: He suddenly started to say something.
  2. to bring up a topic: Introducing a topic for discussion, often for the first time.
    • Example: 彼女が結婚の話を言い出した。
    • Translation: She brought up the topic of marriage.
  3. to suggest: Proposing an idea or plan.
    • Example: 彼は休暇を山で過ごすことを言い出した。
    • Translation: He suggested spending the vacation in the mountains.

Learn 言い出す from Animes


(マスタング)少佐 (アームストロング) は?
(Mustang) Major (Armstrong), yes?

(マスタング) ヒューズの死は知らせたの か?
(Mustang) Have you informed them about Hughes's death?

👉👉あっ いいえ 言い出せませんでした
Ah, no, I couldn't bring it up.

They'll find out eventually.

(アームストロング) 分かっております
(Armstrong) I understand.


それでその 今までどおり そちらの監視下 にいる代わりに
So, in exchange for being under your surveillance as before,

元の体に戻る旅を ボクらの旅を続けさせて ください
please let us continue our journey to return to our original bodies.


構わんよ 余計なことさえしなければね
That's fine, as long as you don't do anything unnecessary.

What about you, Colonel Mustang?

👉👉まさか軍を辞めるなどと 言い出さんだろう な
Surely you're not going to announce that you are quitting the military, are you?

そうですね 飼い犬になっても 負け犬に なるのは耐えられませんな
Yes, I can't stand being a loser even if I'm a kept dog.

何より私の野望のために 軍服を脱ぐことも
Most importantly, for my ambitions, I can't think of neither removing my uniform

これを捨てることも 今はできそうにあり ません
nor throwing this away right now