How to use 担ぐ (かつぐ)

Meaning of 担ぐ

The Japanese verb "担ぐ" (かつぐ, katsugu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to carry on one's shoulder: This is the most literal and common meaning, often used to describe carrying objects like a bag, load, or even a person on one's shoulder.
    • Example: 彼は重い荷物を肩に担いで運んだ。
    • Translation: He carried a heavy load on his shoulder.
  2. to deceive or trick: This meaning is used in a more figurative sense, indicating that someone is deceiving or tricking another person.
    • Example: 彼は友人に担がれて、偽の宝くじを買ってしまった。
    • Translation: He was tricked by his friend into buying a fake lottery ticket.
  3. to promote or support someone: This usage often appears in contexts where someone is being promoted, supported, or uplifted, especially in political or social contexts.
    • Example: 彼らは彼を次期市長に担いだ。
    • Translation: They promoted him as the next mayor.
  4. to be superstitious: This meaning implies that someone is superstitious or easily influenced by superstitions.
    • Example: 彼は縁起を担ぐタイプだ。
    • Translation: He is the type to be superstitious.

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