How to use 被せる (かぶせる)
Meaning of 被せる
The Japanese verb "被せる" (かぶせる, kabuseru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- to cover: To place something over another thing to conceal or protect it
- Example: 彼は皿にラップを被せた。
- Translation: He covered the plate with plastic wrap.
- to charge: To blame someone or charge them with something
- Example: 彼女は彼に失敗の責任を被せた。
- Translation: She blamed him for the failure.
- to overlap: To place something so that it extends over something else
- Example: 彼は布をテーブルの端に被せた。
- Translation: He draped the cloth over the edge of the table.
- to deceive: To use a cover to mislead or deceive
- Example: 彼は偽の証拠を被せて真実を隠した。
- Translation: He covered the truth with false evidence.
- to put on: To place something like a hat or helmet on someone's head
- Example: 子供に帽子を被せた。
- Translation: She put a hat on the child.
Learn 被せる from Animes
You are the alkahestrist girl, right?
お前を砦に連れてくるよう 命令を受けて いる
I've been ordered to bring you to the fortress.
ヘッ! わっ 私ですか?
Heh! Me?
(マイルズ) 安心しろ 手厚く迎えろとの ことだ
(Miles) Don't worry, you'll be well received.
さて傷の男が 捕まるわけにもいかず
Since we can't capture Scar,
マルコーがここにいることも 知られては マズいとなると…
and it would be bad if Marcoh's presence here is discovered,
うん… いっそみんなまとめて
Well... it might be best to shelter everyone together
ブリッグズ砦に かくまうのがいいかもしれ んな
at Fort Briggs.
(エドワード) ちょっと待てよ なんだよ それ! こいつも連れてくってのかよ?
(Edward) Wait a minute, what's this!? You're taking him too?
Isn't he needed for deciphering the book?
To rely on someone like this...
Just hand him over to Kimblee...
The Nationwide Transmutation Circle...
(マイルズ) そしてこの国の成り立ち
(Miles) And about the foundation of this country,
アームストロング少将から 聞いているぞ
I've heard it from Major General Armstrong.
アメストリス全土を巻き込んで 何かが 起ころうとしている
Something big is about to involve all of Amestris.
研究書の解読は 何にも増して重要なのでは ないか?
Isn't the deciphering of this book more important than anything?
(マイルズ) ロックベルのお嬢さんが 人質にされていることは聞いている
(Miles) I've heard that Miss Rockbell is being held hostage.
👉👉今ならキンブリーに泥を被せて 彼女を かくまうこともできる
Now we could pin the blame on Kimblee and shelter her.