How to use 被せる (かぶせる)

Meaning of 被せる

The Japanese verb "被せる" (かぶせる, kabuseru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to cover: To place something over another thing to conceal or protect it
    • Example: 彼は皿にラップを被せた。
    • Translation: He covered the plate with plastic wrap.
  2. to charge: To blame someone or charge them with something
    • Example: 彼女は彼に失敗の責任を被せた。
    • Translation: She blamed him for the failure.
  3. to overlap: To place something so that it extends over something else
    • Example: 彼は布をテーブルの端に被せた。
    • Translation: He draped the cloth over the edge of the table.
  4. to deceive: To use a cover to mislead or deceive
    • Example: 彼は偽の証拠を被せて真実を隠した。
    • Translation: He covered the truth with false evidence.
  5. to put on: To place something like a hat or helmet on someone's head
    • Example: 子供に帽子を被せた。
    • Translation: She put a hat on the child.

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