How to use 壊滅 (かいめつ)

Meaning of 壊滅

The Japanese verb "壊滅" (かいめつ, kaimetsu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Destruction: Complete and utter destruction or annihilation, typically used in contexts such as natural disasters, wars, or total failure.
    • Example: その都市は地震によって完全に壊滅しました。
    • Translation: The city was completely destroyed by the earthquake.
  2. Collapse: Often used to describe the collapse or failure of systems, organizations, or efforts.
    • Example: 会社の経営が壊滅した。
    • Translation: The company's management collapsed.
  3. Annihilation: Refers to the thorough and irreversible destruction, often in military or strategic contexts.
    • Example: 敵軍は完全に壊滅された。
    • Translation: The enemy forces were completely annihilated.

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聞いたか 国家錬金術師のことを
Have you heard about the State Alchemists?

They have a terrifying power as weapons,

and they're ravaging Ishval.

Even though they're citizens of Amestris, just like us.

I know that, but

what does that have to do with my brother?

(同胞) お前の兄は国家錬金術師に 対抗 し得て
(Comrade) Your brother can stand up to the State Alchemists.

(同胞) さらにそれを超える強大な力で
(Comrade) And with an even greater power,

👉👉軍を壊滅させる方法を 見つけ出すかもしれ ないのだ
He might find a way to decimate the military.