How to use 壊滅 (かいめつ)

Meaning of 壊滅

The Japanese verb "壊滅" (かいめつ, kaimetsu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Destruction: Complete and utter destruction or annihilation, typically used in contexts such as natural disasters, wars, or total failure.
    • Example: その都市は地震によって完全に壊滅しました。
    • Translation: The city was completely destroyed by the earthquake.
  2. Collapse: Often used to describe the collapse or failure of systems, organizations, or efforts.
    • Example: 会社の経営が壊滅した。
    • Translation: The company's management collapsed.
  3. Annihilation: Refers to the thorough and irreversible destruction, often in military or strategic contexts.
    • Example: 敵軍は完全に壊滅された。
    • Translation: The enemy forces were completely annihilated.

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