How to use 斬り落とす (きりおとす)

Meaning of 斬り落とす

The Japanese verb "斬り落とす" (きりおとす, kiri otosu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To cut down: The act of cutting something down with a sharp tool, often with force.
    • Example: 彼は剣で敵を斬り落とした。
    • Translation: He cut down the enemy with his sword.
  2. To chop off: Specifically to sever or remove a part by chopping.
    • Example: 木の枝を斬り落とした。
    • Translation: He chopped off the branch of the tree.
  3. To bring down (metaphorically): To defeat or reduce the power or influence of something or someone.
    • Example: 彼の地位を斬り落とした。
    • Translation: He brought down his position.

Learn 斬り落とす from Full Metal Alchemist Anime