How to use 斬り落とす (きりおとす)

Meaning of 斬り落とす

The Japanese verb "斬り落とす" (きりおとす, kiri otosu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To cut down: The act of cutting something down with a sharp tool, often with force.
    • Example: 彼は剣で敵を斬り落とした。
    • Translation: He cut down the enemy with his sword.
  2. To chop off: Specifically to sever or remove a part by chopping.
    • Example: 木の枝を斬り落とした。
    • Translation: He chopped off the branch of the tree.
  3. To bring down (metaphorically): To defeat or reduce the power or influence of something or someone.
    • Example: 彼の地位を斬り落とした。
    • Translation: He brought down his position.

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👉👉前に腕を斬り落とした 女の時と同じだな
It's the same as when I cut off the arm of that woman before.

また そうして 捨てられないもののために
Once again, for something you can't abandon,

you put your own life in danger.

Young man...

この戦えぬ老いぼれなど 捨てなされ
Just abandon this old man who can't fight.

(Ling Yao) Don't be ridiculous.

オレにあの男と 同じになれというのか?
Are you telling me to become like that man?