How to use しつこい (しつこい)

Meaning of しつこい
The Japanese verb "しつこい" (しつこい, shitsukoi) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Persistent / Insistent: Describes someone or something that does not give up easily, often to an annoying extent.
- Example: あのセールスマンはしつこい。
- Translation: That salesman is persistent.
- Sticky / Clingy: Can also refer to something that is physically sticky or metaphorically clingy in behavior.
- Example: このガムは口の中でしつこい。
- Translation: This gum is sticky in my mouth.
Learn しつこい from Animes
オレたちを弟子にしてよ おばさん!
Take us as your apprentices, auntie!
(エドワード・アルフォンス) うああっ
(Edward & Alphonse) Aahhh!
(エドワード・アルフォンス) お願いし ます おばさん!
(Edward & Alphonse) Please, auntie!
ちょーっと 耳が遠くて聞こえなかったなあ
A bit hard of hearing, didn't catch that.
もう一回 言ってくれるう?
Could you say that one more time?
弟子にしてください おねえさん!
Please make me your apprentice, big sister!
(エドワード・アルフォンス) なんで
(Edward and Alphonse) Why?
弟子はとらない主義 それに旅の途中だ
I don't take apprentices. Plus, I'm on a journey.
(エドワード) お願い 弟子にして!
(Edward) Please, take me as your apprentice!
👉👉てやああ しつこい!
Gah, so persistent!
Do your parents allow this?
あのう そいつら 親がいなくて
Um, actually, they don't have parents.
You got in the way.
おい! オレたちのこと見逃すのか?
Hey! Are you letting us go?
見逃すも何も さっき こいつが言ったろう
Let you go or whatever, didn't he just say
he cut ties with the homunculi?
オレは記憶が混乱して ブラッドレイを襲撃 しちまった
My memory got all messed up and I ended up attacking Bradley.
戻ったって 何をされるか分かんねえ
Who knows what would happen if I went back.
だから このまま とんずらぶっこいて
So, I'm just gonna run away
and live freely.
By myself...
Would you come with me?
(Darius and Heinkel) Huh?
行くとこないなら 一緒に来いよ
If you've got nowhere to go, come with us.
へへへへッ 仲間… 仲間ねえ そりゃあ いい
Hehehe, friends... friends, huh? That sounds good.
ざけんな! この世のものすべてオレの物!
Don't mess around! Everything in this world is mine!
お前がオレの手下になるってえなら つるん でやってもいいけどな!
If you're willing to be my underling, I might consider hanging out with you.
フッフフフッ じゃあな
Hehehe, see ya.
(Greed) Comrades, huh...
オレん中には こんなに魂が たくさんある のによ
Even though there are so many souls inside me,
1人… なんだよな
I am still alone.
(リン)だったら…エドたちと仲間になれば いいだろ?
(Ling) Then... why not become comrades with Ed and the others?
それがイヤなら オレにこの体を返せ
If you dislike that, give this body back to me.
オレがシンの皇帝になって そのむなしさを 埋めてやるよ
I'll become the Emperor of Xing and bury that emptiness.
(Greed) A king of a nation, huh...
(Ling) Impressive, right?
(グリード) フッ ガキが 小さい小さい
(Greed) Hmph, kid, you think too small.
(Greed) If you're going to do it...
Become the king of the world!
How about that?
The world's...
(エドワード) おい リン 待て!
(Edward) Hey, Lin, wait!
👉👉(グリード) なんだ しつこいなあ
(Greed) What, you're persistent.