How to use 威張る (いばる)
Meaning of 威張る
The Japanese verb "威張る" (いばる, ibaru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- to boast: Displaying arrogance or pride by talking excessively about one's achievements or possessions.
- Example: 彼は新しい車について威張っている。
- Translation: He is boasting about his new car.
- to act bossy: Behaving in a domineering or overly assertive manner.
- Example: 上司が部下に威張るのはよくない。
- Translation: It's not good for a boss to act bossy towards subordinates.
- to lord it over: Using one's position or power to dominate or dictate over others.
- Example: 彼はチームリーダーとして威張っている。
- Translation: He is lording it over others as the team leader.
Learn 威張る from Animes
To protect everyone in this country,
ネズミのてっぺんに いなきゃならねえなあ
you need to be at the very top of the rats.
(マスタング) あそこは さぞかし 気分 がいいだろうなあ ヒューズ
(Mustang) It must feel great up there, Hughes,
だが 私1人の力で あそこに上り詰める ことはできない
but with just my own power alone, I can't climb to the top
その自信が ある
That I am confident of
👉👉(ヒューズ) 何を威張ってるんだ お前は …
(Hughes) What are you boasting about...
面白そうじゃねえか ひと口 乗ってやるよ
Sounds interesting, I’ll take a bite
お前の青臭い理想が この国をどう変えるか 見てみたい
I want to see how your naive ideals will change this country.