How to use 壊れる (こわれる)

Meaning of 壊れる
The Japanese verb "壊れる" (こわれる, kowareru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- To break: Refers to the physical breaking of objects.
- Example: 花瓶が壊れた。
- Translation: The vase broke.
- To be destroyed: Used for things that are ruined or no longer function.
- Example: 建物が地震で壊れた。
- Translation: The building was destroyed by the earthquake.
- To be corrupted: Refers to the corruption or degradation of non-physical things.
- Example: この制度は壊れている。
- Translation: This system is corrupt.
- To be broken: Can also mean the breaking down or failure of systems or structures.
- Example: エアコンが壊れた。
- Translation: The air conditioner broke down.
Learn 壊れる from Animes
(アルフォンス) 賢者の石は?
(Alphonse) What about the Philosopher's Stone?
(エドワード) とんだパチもんだった
(Edward) It turned out to be a complete fake.
(Alphonse) I see...
やっとお前の体を元に戻せると 思ったのに な…
I thought we were finally going to be able to restore your body ...
(ロゼ) 賢者の石を渡して!
(Rosé) Give me the Philosopher's Stone!
(Alphonse) Rosé...
言っただろ とんだパチもんだって
I told you, it turned out to be a complete fake.
Besides, it broke on its own.
That's a lie!
You're just planning to keep it for yourself, aren't you?
(ウィンリィ) アッハハハハッ… お帰り !
(Winry) Ahahahaha... Welcome back!
👉👉(エドワード) おおっ わりい わりい ぶっ壊れた
(Edward) Oops, sorry, it's broken
It's broken...
あたしが丹精 込めて作った 最高級機械鎧 を…
The top-quality mechanical armor I crafted with such care...
いやあ もう粉々のバラバラに…
No, it's completely shattered into pieces...
👉👉で… 何? アルも壊れちゃってるわけ?
So... What? Is Al also broken?
あんたら一体 どんな生活してんのよ?
What kind of life are you guys living?
うるさーい 明日早いのに 眠れないじゃ ない
Shut up! I have to wake up early tomorrow, And I can't sleep now
ああ そっか ラッシュバレーに戻るんだ っけ
Oh, right, you're returning to Rush Valley.
待て それキャンセルして もう少し中央に いろ
Wait, cancel that, stay in Central a bit longer.
まあ その… なんだ
Well, um, you know...
👉👉ほら 腕壊れるかもっつうか 多分 壊すっ つうか
Look, the arm might break, or I might probably break it
(ウィンリィ) 壊す予定あるんかい
(Winry) So you're planning to break it?
(アルフォンス) はっ 兄さんの魂が
(Alphonse) Hah, Brother's soul...
(ホーエンハイム) 生まれたところに帰る んだ
(Hohenheim) You will return to where you were born.
フラスコの中の小人 ホムンクルスよ!
Homunculus, the dwarf in the flask!
Sorry, but you are going to let me destroy your vessel.
👉👉(ホーエンハイム) 皮袋が破ければ フラスコが壊れたも同じ
(Hohenheim) When the skin bag is torn, it's the same as breaking the flask.
You will turn to dust.
えっ! エドが…
What! Ed is…
In the hospital?
はっ 早かったな
Hah, that was fast.
さては特急料金 取るつもりだな
You're planning to charge me an express fee, aren't you?
だって… あたしがきちんと 整備しなかっ たから
Because... it's my fault for not maintaining it properly.
The automail broke...
And you got this serious injury, right?
えっ… べっ 別に ウィンリィのせいじゃ ねえよ!
Eh... well, it's not really Winry's fault!
元はと言えばオレが むちゃな使い方した からだし
Ultimately, it was because I used it recklessly.
整備はいつもどおり完璧だった! アハハッ …
The maintenance was perfect as usual! Ahaha...
(ウィンリィ)ネジの締め忘れに気がついて ない?
(Winry) Didn't you notice the screw I forgot to tighten?
👉👉それに腕 壊れたから―
And because the arm broke—
余計なケガしなくって 済んだともいえるし さ
You could say it prevented unnecessary injuries.
アハッ 気にすんなよ! なっ なっ?
Ahaha, don't worry about it! What, what?