How to use 壊れる (こわれる)

Meaning of 壊れる

The Japanese verb "壊れる" (こわれる, kowareru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To break: Refers to the physical breaking of objects.
    • Example: 花瓶が壊れた。
    • Translation: The vase broke.
  2. To be destroyed: Used for things that are ruined or no longer function.
    • Example: 建物が地震で壊れた。
    • Translation: The building was destroyed by the earthquake.
  3. To be corrupted: Refers to the corruption or degradation of non-physical things.
    • Example: この制度は壊れている。
    • Translation: This system is corrupt.
  4. To be broken: Can also mean the breaking down or failure of systems or structures.
    • Example: エアコンが壊れた。
    • Translation: The air conditioner broke down.

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