How to use 構造 (こうぞう)

Meaning of 構造

The Japanese verb "構造" (こうぞう, kouzou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Structure: Refers to the arrangement or organization of parts in a whole, particularly in physical or conceptual systems.
    • Example: この建物の構造は堅固です。
    • Translation: The structure of this building is solid.
  2. Framework / System: Can also denote the underlying system or framework that supports something.
    • Example: 社会の構造について学ぶ。
    • Translation: Learn about the structure of society.

Learn 構造 from Animes


Tell me what's going on with its body.

👉👉(エドワード) 多分 体の構造や構成要素 は 人間と同じだ
(Edward) Probably, its body structure and components are the same as a human's.

The same as humans...



レイブン中将の姿が見えないそうだ どこか 行きそうな所を知らないか?
It seems that Major General Raven cannot be found. Do you know where he might have gone?

He's missing?

👉👉まいったな ここは素人が勝手に 歩き回れるほど安全な構造じゃない
That's troubling. This structure isn't safe enough for amateurs to wander around.

If something happened to the Major General...

(Kimblee) That would be fortunate.

In the case that something happened to Major General Raven,

私 個人の判断で 自由に動いてよしと
I've can act freely on my own judgment.

大総統から許可を もらっているんですよ
I've gotten the Führer's permission for this