How to use 踏み止まる (ふみとどまる)

Meaning of 踏み止まる

The Japanese verb "踏み止まる" (ふみとどまる, fumitodomaru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To hold one's ground: Refers to maintaining a position firmly
    • Example: 彼は危険にもかかわらず、立ち位置を踏みとどまった。
    • Translation: Despite the danger, he held his ground.
  2. To stop (doing something): Ceasing an action or halting a progression
    • Example: 彼は不健康な習慣を踏みとどまる決意をした。
    • Translation: He decided to stop his unhealthy habits.

Learn 踏み止まる from Full Metal Alchemist Anime