How to use 踏み止まる (ふみとどまる)
Meaning of 踏み止まる
The Japanese verb "踏み止まる" (ふみとどまる, fumitodomaru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- To hold one's ground: Refers to maintaining a position firmly
- Example: 彼は危険にもかかわらず、立ち位置を踏みとどまった。
- Translation: Despite the danger, he held his ground.
- To stop (doing something): Ceasing an action or halting a progression
- Example: 彼は不健康な習慣を踏みとどまる決意をした。
- Translation: He decided to stop his unhealthy habits.
Learn 踏み止まる from Animes
(ロイ・マスタング) 迷子かね? 鋼の…
(Roy Mustang) Are you lost? The Fullmetal...
うっ うるせえ!
Shut up!
どこぞの無能がバカやってねえか 見に来て やったから―
I came to check because some incompetent somewhere must have screwed up—
and this is what happens!
No one asked you to come.
(エドワード) よく言うぜ! オレと傷の 男がいなけりゃ―
(Edward) That's rich coming from you! f it weren't for me and Scar,
てめえ絶対に 道 踏み外してただろ!
you definitely would have strayed from the path!
(マスタング) 恩着せがましく言うな
(Mustang) Don't make it sound like you did me a favor.
私があそこで踏みとどまれたのは 中尉の おかげだ
The reason I was able to hold my ground is thanks to the lieutenant.
(Edward) What did you say!