How to use 当たり前 (あたりまえ)

Meaning of 当たり前

The Japanese verb "当たり前" (あたりまえ, atarimae) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Obvious: Something that is clearly understood or expected.
    • Example: それは当たり前のことだ。
    • Translation: That's an obvious thing.
  2. Natural: Refers to something that is normal or expected in a given context.
    • Example: 親が子供を愛するのは当たり前だ。
    • Translation: It's natural for parents to love their children.
  3. Common sense: Implies knowledge or behavior that is generally accepted as standard or reasonable.
    • Example: それは当たり前の常識だ。
    • Translation: That's common sense.
  4. Of course: Used to affirm something as expected or as a matter of course.
    • Example: 当たり前だが、空は青い。
    • Translation: Of course, the sky is blue.
  5. Expected: Something that should happen or be done without question.
    • Example: 彼が謝るのは当たり前だ。
    • Translation: It's expected that he apologizes.

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