How to use 強化 (きょうか)

Meaning of 強化

The Japanese verb "強化" (きょうか, kyouka) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Strengthening: The act of making something stronger or more robust.
    • Example: 彼は体を強化するために毎日トレーニングをしている。
    • Translation: He trains every day to strengthen his body.
  2. Reinforcement: Adding support or strengthening an existing structure or system.
    • Example: 学校の安全対策を強化しました。
    • Translation: We reinforced the school's safety measures.
  3. Enhancement: Improving or upgrading something to increase its effectiveness.
    • Example: 新しいソフトウェアがシステムの性能を強化します。
    • Translation: The new software enhances the system's performance.
  4. Intensification: Increasing the intensity or severity of something.
    • Example: 警察は犯罪対策を強化した。
    • Translation: The police intensified their crime prevention measures.

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