How to use 踏み込む (ふみこむ)

Meaning of 踏み込む

The Japanese verb "踏み込む" (ふみこむ, fumikomu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To step in: Physically entering a place or a space.
    • Example: 彼は部屋に踏み込んだ。
    • Translation: He stepped into the room.
  2. To delve into: Getting deeply involved in a matter or situation.
    • Example: 彼は問題の解決に踏み込んだ。
    • Translation: He delved into solving the problem.
  3. To invade: Entering forcefully into an area or situation.
    • Example: 警察はその家に踏み込んで逮捕を行った。
    • Translation: The police invaded the house to make an arrest.

Learn 踏み込む from Animes


(アルフォンス) 教主さん 痛い目見ない うちに 石をボクたちに渡してほしい
(Alphonse) Bishop, before you suffer any more, I want you to hand over the stone to us.


👉👉神の領域に踏み込んだ 愚か者どもめ
You fools who have encroached upon the domain of God

今度こそ 神の元へ 送り届けてやろう
This time, I will truly deliver you to the presence of God.


さて 再びここは 敵だらけになった
Now, once again, we are surrounded by enemies.

👉👉中央兵が隊を整えて ここに踏み込んでくる のも
The Central soldiers will organize their ranks and break in here soon

It's only a matter of time