How to use 比べる (くらべる)

Meaning of 比べる

The Japanese verb "比べる" (くらべる, kuraberu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To compare: Assessing similarities or differences between items or concepts.
    • Example: 彼は日本の文化とアメリカの文化を比べた。
    • Translation: He compared Japanese culture with American culture.
  2. To compete: Competing to determine superiority.
    • Example: 彼は技術力を比べるためにコンテストに参加した。
    • Translation: He joined the contest to compete in technical skills.

Learn 比べる from Animes


(Ling) Sorry about that.

(Edward) For what?

(リン) オレをかばったばっかりに
(Ling) Because you got hurt protecting me.

👉👉別に ガキん時の修行に比べりゃ 大した ことねえし
(Edward) It's nothing compared to the training from our childhood.

ここが どこだか 分かんねえのは困るが
Not knowing where we are is a problem, though.

とりあえず ピンシャンしてる おかげで 出口は探せるし
But thanks to you, I'm not pinned down, so we can look for an exit.

You're quite optimistic.


(リザ) あなたもグラトニーと 同じ人造 人間?
(Riza) Are you a homunculus like Gluttony?


👉👉グラトニーとは比べものにならない プレッシャーを感じるわね
I feel a pressure that's incomparable to Gluttony.


And there's one more thing, the last one,

Within a nearby settlement

There's something incomparable to others

(ダリウス) それ 多分 エドの親父さん だ
(Darius) That's probably Ed's dad.

(Edward) Him, huh?


(アルフォンス) ここから出る気なんて ハナからないよ
(Alphonse) I never intended to get out from here.


👉👉(アルフォンス) 我慢比べしようじゃない か セリム いや人造人間のプライド
(Alphonse) Let's see who can last longer, Selim, or rather, the homunculus Pride.

こっちは 酸素も光も 食べ物もなくて平気 な体だ
I can go without oxygen, light, or food.

今日1日 約束の日が終わるまで お前は ここで…
For the whole day, until the promised day ends, you'll stay here...

ボクと一緒に おとなしくしているんだ
Quietly with me.


この星を1つの 生命体と考えたことがある か?
Have you ever thought of this planet as a single living organism?


いや 生命というよりは システムと言う べきか
Or perhaps, rather than life, should we call it a system?

👉👉お前たち 人間1人の 情報量などとは 比べようもない
It cannot be compared to the information capacity of a single human

膨大な宇宙の情報を 記憶するシステム
It's an immense system that records the vast information of the universe.

If one opens that gate,

一体どれほどの力を 手に入れられるか…
just how much power could one gain...

Have you ever thought about that?