How to use お世話になりました (おせわになりました)

Meaning of お世話になりました

The Japanese verb "お世話になりました" (おせわになりました, osewa ni narimashita) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Thank you for your help / support: Used to express gratitude for assistance, care, or support received from someone. It acknowledges the benefit or favor one has received.
    • Example: 一年間お世話になりました。
    • Translation: Thank you for your support over the year.

Learn お世話になりました from Animes


(ヒューズ) ウィンリィちゃん 今日 出発だっけな
(Hughes) Winry-chan, today's the day for your journey, right?

仕事で 見送りに行けないけど 元気でな
I can't go to see you off because of work, but take care.

あっ ヒューズさん 本当にお世話になり ました
Oh, Hughes-san, thank you so much for everything.

中央に来た時は また 必ず遊びに来てくれ よ
When you come to Central, be sure to visit us again.

自分の家だと思ってさ それと あいつらに もよろしくな
Treat it like your own home. And say hi to them for me.


(エリシア) パパ 頑張ってねーっ!
(Elicia) Daddy, do your best!

(グレイシア) いってらっしゃい!
(Gracia) Have a safe trip!

(Train whistle)


(キンブリー) どういうことですか
(Kimblee) What's going on here?

(看守) 余計なことは聞くな
(Guard) Don't ask unnecessary questions.

(キンブリー) 上からの命令ですか
(Kimblee) Is this an order from above?

Shut up.

大体 なんで士官5人殺して 死刑になって ないんだよ お前
Anyway, why aren't you executed for killing five officers?

What tricks did you use?

いえ 何も 人徳じゃないですか
No, it's just my charm, isn't it?

(看守) 笑わせるな 爆弾狂が
(Guard) Don't make me laugh, you bomb maniac.

こんなイカれた奴を釈放するなんて 何 考えてんだお偉いさんは
What are the higher-ups thinking, releasing a nut like you?

(Kimblee) Guard,

thank you for taking care of me for such a long time.