How to use 車掌 (しゃしょう)

Meaning of 車掌

The Japanese verb "車掌" (しゃしょう, shashō) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Conductor / Train Attendant: Refers to the railway employee responsible for checking tickets, making announcements, and ensuring passenger safety on a train.
    • Example: 車掌が切符を確認しました。
    • Translation: The conductor checked the tickets.

Learn 車掌 from Animes


(Miles) Is it a festival?

👉👉(車掌) リゼンブール名物 春の羊祭り ですよ
(Conductor) It's the famous Spring Sheep Festival of Resembool.

そんな日にすまない 水の補給がしたいのだ が
Sorry to bother you on such a day, but I need to resupply our water.

👉👉(車掌) いいですよ いくらでもどうぞ
(Conductor) Sure, help yourself, as much as you need.

(ブリッグズ兵)よし タンク下せ
(Briggs Soldier) Alright, lower the tanks.