How to use 驚く (おどろく)

Meaning of 驚く
The Japanese verb "驚く" (おどろく, odoroku) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- to be surprised: This refers to the feeling of sudden astonishment or shock.
- Example: 彼の提案には本当に驚いた。
- Translation: I was really surprised by his proposal.
- to be amazed: Refers to feeling amazement at something extraordinary.
- Example: 彼女はその美しい景色に驚いた。
- Translation: She was amazed by the beautiful scenery.
- to be shocked: More intense than just surprise, often due to something unexpected or alarming.
- Example: ニュースを聞いて驚いた。
- Translation: I was shocked to hear the news.
- to startle: To cause someone to feel sudden shock.
- Example: 突然の音に彼は驚いた。
- Translation: He was startled by the sudden noise.
Learn 驚く from Animes
こんな時間に 1人で歩いてちゃ危ねえなあ
It's dangerous to walk alone at this hour.
You might get attacked by me,
この バリー・ザ・チョッパー様に 襲われ ちまうぜ!
Barry the Chopper himself!
いやあっ ちょっ どっ!
Whoa, hey! What the—!
いきなり何すんのっ… どわっ
What are you doing all of a sudden?... Whoa!
クソッ ならば これでどうだ!
Damn it, how about this then!
👉👉ちょっと! なんで驚かないのよ
Hey! Why aren't you surprised?
(リザ) 似たような人を知ってるから
(Riza) Because I know someone similar.