How to use うかがう (うかがう)

Meaning of うかがう

The Japanese verb "うかがう" (うかがう, ukagau) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To pay a visit: Humble form of visiting someone or some place.
    • Example: お客様の家をうかがう。
    • Translation: I will visit the customer's house.
  2. To ask: Humble form of asking a question or inquiry.
    • Example: お体の具合をうかがう。
    • Translation: I ask about your health condition.
  3. To hear: Humble way of saying to hear or to be told.
    • Example: 彼からの連絡をうかがった。
    • Translation: I heard from him.
  4. To wait and see: Observing a situation to see how it develops.
    • Example: 彼の反応をうかがう。
    • Translation: I will see how he reacts.
  5. To infer: Deduce or conclude information from evidence.
    • Example: その表情から彼の気持ちをうかがう。
    • Translation: I infer his feelings from his expression.
  6. To look up to: Looking towards someone for guidance.
    • Example: 上司の意向をうかがう。
    • Translation: I look up to the boss for his intentions.
  7. To peek: To look at something secretly or furtively.
    • Example: 窓から中をうかがう。
    • Translation: To peek inside through the window.
  8. To aim for: To look for or seek an opportunity.
    • Example: 成功のチャンスをうかがう。
    • Translation: I am aiming for a chance at success.

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