How to use 荒い (あらい)

Meaning of 荒い

The Japanese verb "荒い" (あらい, arai) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Rough: Refers to texture or quality
    • Example: この紙は表面が荒い。
    • Translation: This paper has a rough surface.
  2. Wild: Can describe weather, sea, or behavior
    • Example: 今日の天気は荒いですね。
    • Translation: The weather is rough today.
  3. Crude: Unrefined or lacking in finesse
    • Example: 彼のマナーは荒い。
    • Translation: His manners are crude.
  4. Large: Used for waves, breaths indicating magnitude
    • Example: 荒い波が岸を打つ。
    • Translation: Large waves are hitting the shore.
  5. Harsh: In terms of sound or voice
    • Example: 彼女の荒い声が響く。
    • Translation: Her harsh voice echoes.
  6. Inaccurate: When referring to estimates or approximations
    • Example: この計算は荒いです。
    • Translation: This calculation is rough.

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