How to use 片付く (かたづく)

Meaning of 片付く

The Japanese verb "片付く" (かたづく, kataduku) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To be put in order: Refers to things being arranged neatly or becoming organized.
    • Example: 部屋がきれいに片付いた。
    • Translation: The room has been tidied up.
  2. To be settled: Relates to resolving issues or finalizing arrangements.
    • Example: 問題がようやく片付いた。
    • Translation: The problem has finally been settled.
  3. To be free: Indicates having spare time or being free from obligations.
    • Example: この仕事が片付いたら、遊びに行きます。
    • Translation: I will go out to play once this work is done.

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