How to use いちいち (いちいち)

Meaning of いちいち

The Japanese verb "いちいち" (いちいち, ichi-ichi) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. One by one / Each one: Refers to doing things individually or considering each item or action separately.
    • Example: 彼は本をいちいちチェックします。
    • Translation: He checks each book one by one.
  2. Every little thing / In detail: Used to express irritation or emphasis on the meticulousness or tediousness of an action.
    • Example: いちいち文句を言わないでください。
    • Translation: Please don't complain about every little thing.
  3. At every step / Every time: Indicates frequency or regularity of an action, often with a nuance of annoyance.
    • Example: いちいち確認しないで、信じてください。
    • Translation: Don't check every time, just trust me.

Learn いちいち from Full Metal Alchemist Anime