How to use 酒場 (さかば)
Meaning of 酒場
The Japanese verb "酒場" (さかば, sakaba) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Bar / Tavern / Pub: A place where alcoholic beverages are served, often with a social atmosphere where people can drink and sometimes eat.
- Example: 仕事の後に酒場で一杯飲むのが好きだ。
- Translation: I like to have a drink at the bar after work.
Learn 酒場 from Animes
(シグ) 西通りの路地裏に落ちてた
(Sig) Found it in the alleyway on West Street.
(イズミ) アルが消えてエドまでも…
(Izumi) Al's gone, and now even Ed...
Those idiots!
Should I take them back as disciples
物を大切にしろってとこから 叩き直して やるか!
And teach them from how to value things again?
(Mason) Understood!
さっき エドくんらしき男の子が
Just now, a boy who looked like Ed
👉👉デビルズネストって酒場に 入っていった そうですよ
apparently went into a bar called Devil's Nest.