How to use 盗む (ぬすむ)

Meaning of 盗む

The Japanese verb "盗む" (ぬすむ, nusumu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To steal: Taking something that does not belong to one without permission.
    • Example: 彼は店からリンゴを盗んだ。
    • Translation: He stole an apple from the shop.
  2. To plagiarize: Copying someone else's work or ideas without permission.
    • Example: 彼は他人のアイデアを盗んで自分のものと主張した。
    • Translation: He plagiarized someone else's idea and claimed it as his own.
  3. To do stealthily: Doing something secretly or without being noticed.
    • Example: 彼は親の目を盗んで家を抜け出した。
    • Translation: He sneaked out of the house without his parents noticing.
  4. To do in one's spare time: Using free or spare time to do something usually not allowed.
    • Example: 彼は勤務時間中に暇を盗んで小説を読んだ。
    • Translation: He read novels during work hours, stealing some free time.
  5. To steal a base: In baseball, advancing to the next base while the pitcher is throwing.
    • Example: 彼はピッチャーが投げる間に二塁を盗んだ。
    • Translation: He stole second base while the pitcher was throwing.

Learn 盗む from Full Metal Alchemist Anime