How to use 基礎 (きそ)
Meaning of 基礎
The Japanese verb "基礎" (きそ, kiso) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Foundation / Basis: Refers to the fundamental part or underlying principles upon which something is built or understood.
- Example: 建物の基礎工事が始まった。
- Translation: The foundation work for the building has started.
- Basics / Fundamentals: Also used to describe the basic or elementary level of something, like knowledge or skills.
- Example: 英語の基礎を学ぶ。
- Translation: Learn the basics of English.
Learn 基礎 from Animes
(ホークアイ) 結局 軍人になったのか…
(Hawkeye) So you've become a soldier after all...
As expected, the Flame Alchemy is still too early for you.
(ロイ・マスタング) まだ ですか… 結局 今日まで
(Roy Mustang) Still... after all this time
👉👉錬金術の基礎しか 教えてくださいません でした
You've only taught me the basics of alchemy.
(ホークアイ) 当たり前だ 軍の犬に 成り下がるような奴には
(Hawkeye) Of course. To someone who would lower themselves to become a military's dog
👉👉基礎を教えることですら もったいないわ ゴホッ ゴホッ
Teaching even the basics to them is a waste. Cough, cough.
錬金術は大衆のため… ですか?
Alchemy is for the masses... right?
師匠周辺諸国の脅威に さらされている今
With the master and neighboring countries under threat,
軍の強化こそが急務です 国民を守るために ―
Strengthening the military is the priority to protect the citizens—
Alchemy is...
(ホークアイ) そんな言い訳は 聞き飽き た!
(Hawkeye) I'm tired of hearing such excuses!
(ホークアイ) ゴホッ ゴホッ ゴホッ おお…
(Hawkeye) Cough, cough, cough, oh...