How to use 思い込む (おもいこむ)

Meaning of 思い込む

The Japanese verb "思い込む" (おもいこむ, omoikomu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to believe firmly: Firmly holding a belief, often without sufficient evidence.
    • Example: 彼は自分が勝つと思い込んでいた。
    • Translation: He was convinced that he would win.
  2. to assume: Accepting something as true without verification.
    • Example: 彼女は会議が延期されたと思い込んでいた。
    • Translation: She assumed that the meeting had been postponed.

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プッ ヒッヒッヒッ そう来たか…
Pfft, hehehe, so that's how it is...

ハハハハハッ しかし いいのか?
Hahaha, but are you sure about this?

真理の扉を失えば 二度と錬金術を使えなく なるぞ
If you lose the Gate of Truth, you'll never be able to use alchemy again.

That's true.

確かに この扉の向こうには 錬金術の すべてがある
Indeed, beyond this gate lies all of alchemy.

でも おかげで踊らされたよ
But thanks to that, I was manipulated.

Shown something called "truth"―

👉👉錬金術ですべてを 解決できると思い込んだ
I was convinced that alchemy could solve everything.

だけど それは間違いだった ただの傲慢だ
But that was a mistake It was just arrogance.

錬金術の使えない ただの人間に成り下がる のか?
So you want to be reduced to a mere human who can't use alchemy?

成り下がるも何も 最初っから ただの人間 だ
Reduced or not, I've always been just a human.

合成獣にされた女の子1人 助けられない ちっぽけな人間だ
Just a tiny human who couldn't even save one little girl who was turned into a chimera.