How to use 限り (かぎり)
Meaning of 限り
The Japanese verb "限り" (かぎり, kagiri) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- As long as / As far as: Used to indicate the extent or limit of something, often in terms of time, ability, or condition.
- Example: 力の限り頑張る。
- Translation: I'll do my best as long as I can.
- Limit / End: Refers to the boundary or the utmost point of something.
- Example: これが私の限りだ。
- Translation: This is my limit.
Learn 限り from Animes
An alchemist, as long as they live,
真理を追い求めずには いられない生き物だ
is a creature that cannot help but seek the truth.
考えることをやめた時 錬金術師は死ぬ
When they stop thinking, an alchemist dies.
私はとうの昔に死んで… うっ
I died long ago... ugh
ゴホッ ゴホッ… (マスタング)師匠!
Cough, cough... (Mustang) Master!
(ホークアイ) ううっ ゴホッ ううっ…
(Hawkeye) Ugh, cough, ugh...
(マスタング)師匠! ホークアイ師匠 せんせい!
(Mustang) Master! Master Hawkeye!
娘を… 頼む
My daughter... please take care of her.
私の研究は すべて 娘が…
All my research... it's all with my daughter...
(Alphonse) Did you stop?
キンブリーを 刺すのをためらった?
Hesitated to stab Kimblee?
でも こいつがそんなこと
But he wouldn't do such a thing.
I see.
(プライド) 君の言うとおり人間は しぶとい
(Pride) As you say, humans are tenacious.
However, you cannot win.
Over there
as long as our father is present
(正門隊長) 何をやっとるんだ 守備隊は
What are the guards doing?
(兵士) はっ 敵が予想外に 大量の武器 を所持していたらしく
Yes! The enemy unexpectedly had a large number of weapons,
and they're struggling.
武器ったって 持ち運べるものなど たかが 知れとるだろう
Weapons, you say? Portable ones can't be that much.
守備隊から通信です (正門隊長)うん?
Communication from the defense team. (Gate Captain) Hmm?
Go ahead.
連絡が遅い そっちはどうなっている? どうぞ
The communication is slow. How are things on your end? Go ahead.
(兵士)ブ… ブリッグズの奴らあんなもの を…
B-... Briggs has thos
(Explosion sound)
おっ おい くっ…
Oh, hey, damn...
Are you okay?
ここが落とされるなんてことは ないでしょ うね?
There's no way this place would be attacked, right?
Of course not.
ったく バカバカしい
Ridiculous, really.
👉👉戦車でも持ってこない限り ここは…
Unless you bring a tank here...