How to use 踏み固める (ふみかためる)

Meaning of 踏み固める

The Japanese verb "踏み固める" (ふみかためる, fumikatameru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To compact: Physically making the ground or surface harder by pressing or treading on it.
    • Example: 彼は土の道を踏み固めるために何度も歩き回った。
    • Translation: He walked back and forth many times to compact the dirt road.
  2. To consolidate: Metaphorically making a concept or plan more solid or well-established.
    • Example: 彼は自分の計画を踏み固めるために詳細な調査を行った。
    • Translation: He conducted a detailed survey to consolidate his plan.

Learn 踏み固める from Animes


よし お前ら 私について… うわあああ
Alright, you guys, follow me... Whoa!

(ジェルソ) 結構 雪が深いな
(Jelso) The snow is pretty deep, huh?

Little lady, ride on my back.

👉👉オレたちが踏み固めて道を作るから その あとから来るといい
We'll tread down the snow and make a path; you can follow behind us.

Thank you.