How to use 埋める (うめる)
Meaning of 埋める
The Japanese verb "埋める" (うめる, umeru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- to bury: Covering something completely with soil or another substance.
- Example: 彼は庭にペットの犬を埋めた。
- Translation: He buried his pet dog in the garden.
- to fill up: Filling a space or hole with material.
- Example: 彼女は穴を砂で埋めた。
- Translation: She filled the hole with sand.
- to make up for: Compensating for a deficiency or lack.
- Example: 彼は遅れを埋めるために速く走った。
- Translation: He ran fast to make up for being late.
Learn 埋める from Animes
(Mustang) What's so funny?
いえ 大佐に子供扱いされて
No, it's just that if he heard you treating him like a child, Colonel.
エドワード君が聞いたら 怒るんじゃないか って
Edward would get mad
That was your line that I borrowed.
Nevertheless, it's surprising,
大佐がこのような 大胆な行動に出られると は
that the Colonel would take such a bold action.
👉👉大胆なものか 外堀から埋めようというだけ だ
Is it really bold? I'm just trying to fill the moat from the outside
(マース・ヒューズ)お前さんを理解して 支えてくれる人間を
(Maes Hughes) People who understand and support you
Make as many of them as possible
Better late than never,
あいつの忠告に 従ってみようと思ってね
I've decided to follow his advice.
(Greed) Comrades, huh...
オレん中には こんなに魂が たくさんある のによ
Even though there are so many souls inside me,
1人… なんだよな
I am still alone.
(リン)だったら…エドたちと仲間になれば いいだろ?
(Ling) Then... why not become comrades with Ed and the others?
それがイヤなら オレにこの体を返せ
If you dislike that, give this body back to me.
👉👉オレがシンの皇帝になって そのむなしさを 埋めてやるよ
I'll become the Emperor of Xing and bury that emptiness.
(Greed) A king of a nation, huh...
(Ling) Impressive, right?
(グリード) フッ ガキが 小さい小さい
(Greed) Hmph, kid, you think too small.