How to use 預かる (あずかる)

Meaning of 預かる

The Japanese verb "預かる" (あずかる, azukaru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to take care of: Taking responsibility for looking after someone or something temporarily.
    • Example: 私は友人の犬を一週間預かります。
    • Translation: I will take care of my friend’s dog for a week.
  2. to keep: Holding something for someone else, usually temporarily.
    • Example: 彼女は私の荷物をコンサート中預かってくれた。
    • Translation: She kept my luggage during the concert.
  3. to receive on someone's behalf: Accepting something intended for someone else, typically to deliver it later.
    • Example: 私は隣人の代わりに配達物を預かりました。
    • Translation: I received a delivery on behalf of my neighbor.

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