How to use 斬る (きる)

Meaning of 斬る

The Japanese verb "斬る" (きる, kiru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to cut: to sever or cut through something, often with a sharp object like a sword
    • Example: 彼は敵を一刀で斬った。
    • Translation: He cut down the enemy with a single stroke.
  2. to behead: to cut off someone's head as a form of execution or punishment
    • Example: その罪人は公衆の面前で斬られた。
    • Translation: The criminal was beheaded in front of the public.
  3. to slash: to make a sweeping cut, often in a battle or fight
    • Example: 侍は敵の腕を斬った。
    • Translation: The samurai slashed at the enemy's arm.
  4. to kill: to kill someone, often in a decisive or final manner
    • Example: 彼は裏切り者を斬った。
    • Translation: He killed the traitor.

Learn 斬る from Animes


👉👉クソーッ ちっとはおとなしく 斬られや がれってんだ
Damn it, just be quiet and let yourself be cut

you big lug


(Alphonse) Eh?


(バリー・ザ・チョッパー) うん? よう タバコのあんちゃん
(Barry the Chopper) Hmm? Hey, cigarette guy,

どうだ 1回でも勝てたか?
how many times have you won?

(バリー) 全然 つうか このゲーム つまんねえよ
(Barry) Not at all, I mean, this game is boring.

👉👉なあ夜中なら 人を斬ってきていいだろ?
Hey, if it's the middle of the night, can I go out and chop someone?

(ハボック) いいわけねえだろう
(Havoc) No way, of course

じゃあ せめて…
then at least...

ホークアイの あねさん連れてきてくれよ
bring along sister Hawkeye, okay?

ああ あねさんに言っといてやる
Ah, I'll ask her

(ヴァトー・ファルマン) 私はいつまで こいつの見張りを 続けなき ゃなんないんですかね?
(Vautour Farmann) How long do I have to keep watching this guy?

What did the Colonel say?

“こんな危険な任務に 付き合わせてしまっ てすまない”
"I'm sorry for dragging you into such a dangerous mission."

“軍務のことなら心配するな ちゃんと病欠 扱いにしてある”
"Don't worry about your military duties, I've put you on sick leave."

“ただし 一般市民および”
"However, if civilians or"

“我々 以外の軍関係者に 見つかった場合 は”
"or other military personnel found out about us"

“ただじゃ済まんと思え” とのことだ
"Don't expect to be let off easily."

ぐうっ くう…

もう少し 先行きの明るい話は?
Don't we have any brighter news?

Sure do!

えっ なんです?

I've got a girlfriend now!

引っ越しで いろいろ困ってた時に 優しく してくれてさあ
She was really kind to me when I was struggling to move house

もうっ めっちゃいい女 アハッ
She's such an amazing woman, ahaha!

👉👉(バリー) なあ その女 斬ったら楽し そうか?
(Barry) Hey, would it be fun to chop her?

Please go back now.


お前 さっきは 殺すなって言ってただろう が
Hey, you told me not to kill him earlier

作戦なんて もうクソくらえだ
Screw that strategy

👉👉魂がざわつくんだよ 斬っちまえってってな あ
My soul is restless, it's telling me to chop it up, right?

(Havoc) No way

大体 元の体に戻りたいって 思うのが普通 じゃないのか
isn't it normal to want to go back to your original body?

(Barry) Hmph

あの体 もうもたねえよ
that body won't last long anyway

なんだ 腐ってるのか
What, is it rotting?

👉👉だあ もう我慢できねえ 斬るぜ
Yeah, I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to chop it!

オレの体をどうしようが オレの勝手だ
What I do with my body is my business, (Havoc)

(ハボック) ダメだっつってんだろうが!
I said no!


(バリー1) ヘッヘヘッ 来たな ラスト さんよお
(Barry 1) Heh heh heh, here he comes. Lust, huh?

(ラスト) ナンバー66 なぜ大佐に協力 したの?
(Lust) Number 66, why did you cooperate with the Colonel?

(バリー1) 面白そうだからよお
(Barry 1) Because it sounded fun,

and besides...

I want to cut you down more than anything!