How to use いきなり (いきなり)

Meaning of いきなり

The Japanese verb "いきなり" (いきなり, ikina ri) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Suddenly: Without warning or preparation; abruptly.
    • Example: いきなり雨が降り出した。
    • Translation: It suddenly started to rain.
  2. All of a sudden: Used to describe an unexpected or rapid change in situation.
    • Example: いきなり電話が鳴った。
    • Translation: The phone rang all of a sudden.
  3. Out of the blue: Something happening unexpectedly or without any prior indication.
    • Example: 彼は彼女にいきなりプロポーズした。
    • Translation: He proposed to her out of the blue.
  4. Without warning: An action or event that occurs without any prior notice.
    • Example: いきなり停電になった。
    • Translation: There was a blackout without warning.

Learn いきなり from Full Metal Alchemist Anime