How to use 兼ねる (かねる)

Meaning of 兼ねる

The Japanese verb "兼ねる" (かねる, kaneru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To serve two roles / To double as: Indicates performing or holding two functions or roles simultaneously.
    • Example: 彼は社長とCEOを兼ねている。
    • Translation: He serves as both president and CEO.
  2. To be unable to do something: Often used in negative form to express inability or difficulty in doing something.
    • Example: そんなに早く走るのは兼ねる。
    • Translation: I can't run that fast.
  3. To hesitate: To feel reluctant or to be in two minds about doing something.
    • Example: その提案に賛成するのを兼ねる。
    • Translation: I hesitate to agree with that proposal.

Learn 兼ねる from Animes


改めて 名乗ろう
Let me introduce myself again

Number 48, a death row number

Should I say, from my previous life?

生身の体があった時は―殺人鬼スライサーと 呼ばれていた
When I still had my body in flesh and blood, I was called the murderer, Slicer

(エドワード) やっぱ 死刑囚か
(Edward) So, a death row inmate, huh?


ここって死刑囚を材料にして 賢者の石を 作ってるんだよな
This is where they use death row inmates to make the Philosopher's Stone, right?

👉👉(ナンバー48) それには答え兼ねる
(Number 48) I'm afraid I can't answer that

私はただ腕を買われて この体を与えられ―
I was just hired for my skills and given this body—

ここの番犬に 置かれているだけだ
I've been put here as a watchdog for this place

ってことは 魂と鎧を仲立ちする 印がどこ かにある
So there must be a seal somewhere that binds the soul and the armor

(ナンバー48) そう そのとおり
(Number 48) Yes, exactly