How to use 崩れる (くずれる)

Meaning of 崩れる

The Japanese verb "崩れる" (くずれる, kuzureru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To collapse: Refers to the falling down or breaking apart of structures or systems.
    • Example: 地震で建物が崩れた。
    • Translation: The building collapsed due to the earthquake.
  2. To break down / To crumble: Can describe the disintegration or failure of non-physical things like plans or emotions.
    • Example: 計画が崩れた。
    • Translation: The plan fell apart.
  3. To crumble / To slump: Used in a physical or metaphorical sense, like posture or morale.
    • Example: 彼の姿勢が崩れた。
    • Translation: His posture slumped.

Learn 崩れる from Animes


👉👉これは爆発物で 建物が崩れ落ちる音ですよ
This is the sound of a building crumbling down from explosives.

この近さだと 隣の第五研究所ですかね
Given the proximity, it must be the neighboring Fifth Laboratory.


(Man 2) Get a grip!

(Man 3) Bring more over here!

(Man 4) It's going to collapse!


(傷の男) 顔の表面だけ破壊した
(Scar) I've only destroyed the surface of the face

Stop this one's bleeding.

はっ? はい
Huh? Okay.

👉👉(傷の男) 顔は本人だと分からぬくらい 崩れていたほうが都合がいい
(Scar) It's better if the face is so mangled that it's unrecognizable.

We're leaving.

えっ どちらへ?
Eh, where to?

オレが兄から受け継いだ 研究書を隠した 場所
To where I hid the research book I inherited from my brother.

The North


フフフフフフッ ハハハハハッ
Heheheheheheh, Hahahahaha!

I thought you'd use the secret memo

わしに泣きつく時だと 思っていたが
when you needed to cry to me

わしをたきつけるために ここに呼んだか
but you called me here to stir me up, huh?

Oh well.

中央が面白いことに なってきたおかげで
Thanks to Central getting interesting,

消えかかっていた野望の火種が また 燃え上がってきたわい
the embers of my fading ambition have reignited.

👉👉本気を出すと化粧が崩れますよ ご婦人
If you get serious, your makeup will smudge, madam.

(グラマン) あら いけない ホホホホホ
(Grumman) Oh, how careless of me, Hohohoho.

Are you free after this?

よろしければ どこかでお茶でも
If so, would you like to have tea somewhere?

(グラマン) まあ ごめんなさいね お誘いはうれしいけど
(Grumman) Oh, I'm sorry, I appreciate the invitation, but...


(バッカニア・ ヴァトー・ファルマン) お待ちしておりました
(Buccaneer, Vato Falman) We've been waiting for you.

(マイルズ) 何か変わったことは?
(Miles) Has anything unusual happened?

Not particularly.

それよりキンブリーが行方不明と 聞きまし たが本当ですか?
More importantly, is it true that Kimblee has gone missing?

(Miles) Yes.

👉👉坑道が崩れるほどの 爆発があってな
There was an explosion big enough to collapse the tunnels,

Kimblee and a few others are unaccounted for.

さんざん捜索したが 結局 誰の死体も出て こなかった
We searched extensively but in the end, no bodies were found.