How to use 踏ん張る (ふんばる)

Meaning of 踏ん張る

The Japanese verb "踏ん張る" (ふんばる, fumbaru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To brace oneself: Refers to exerting strength or effort to maintain one's position or to persist through a difficult situation.
    • Example: 彼は試験の最後まで踏ん張った。
    • Translation: He braced himself until the end of the exam.
  2. To persevere: Used to describe continuing in an effort or undertaking despite difficulties.
    • Example: 彼女は困難にもめげず、プロジェクトを完成させるために踏ん張った。
    • Translation: She persevered to complete the project despite difficulties.

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