How to use 敷地 (しきち)
Meaning of 敷地
The Japanese verb "敷地" (しきち, shikichi) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- Premises / Site: Refers to the land or area that a building or a set of buildings occupies, including any open spaces or gardens that belong to it.
- Example: この学校の敷地はとても広いです。
- Translation: The grounds of this school are very spacious.
Learn 敷地 from Animes
(中央軍兵士) なんだって? よく聞こえ なかっ…
(Central Army Soldier) What's that? I can't hear you well...
何? 本当か!
What? Really?
(Central Soldier) What's going on?
作戦本部が ブリッグズ兵に落とされました !
The headquarters has fallen to Briggs soldiers!
It seems General Klemin has been taken prisoner!
(オリヴィエ・ミラ・ アームストロング) ハッ!
(Olivier Mira Armstrong) Ha!
作戦本部! バッカニアはいるか?
Headquarters! Is Buccaneer there?
大尉! (バッカニア)うん?
Captain! (Buccaneer) Yeah?
人型をした 1つ目玉の青っちろい化け物が ―
One-eyed, pale blue monsters in human form—
are spawning in large numbers.
こいつら なかなか死なないうえに 人を 食うぞ!
These things don't die easily, and they eat people!
東西南北 全門 何があっても開けるな!
All gates, East, West, North, South, do not open under any circumstances!
一匹たりとも 市街地に出してはならん!
Not a single one must be let into the city!
Eliminate them within the headquarters grounds!
(カーリー)バッカニア隊はそのまま待機 よろしく
(Carly) Keep Buccaneer's squad on standby, please.
👉👉敷地内の人形兵を 一匹残らず駆逐するまで
Eliminate every single doll soldier inside the premises.
門を絶対に開けないように お願いします
Please make sure not to open the gates under any circumstances.
(Buccaneer) Understood.
(ブリッグズ兵1)こちら西門 ブリッグズホワイト隊が制圧しました
(Briggs Soldier 1) This is the west gate, Briggs White squad has taken control.
(ブリッグズ兵2)北門ですブラック隊が 制圧完了!
(Briggs Soldier 2) North gate here, Black squad has completed control!
(ブリッグズ兵3)ブルー隊 東門制圧
(Briggs Soldier 3) Blue squad, east gate controlled.
(ブリッグズ兵4)イエロー隊兵器庫を 押さえました!
(Briggs Soldier 4) Yellow squad has secured the armory!