How to use 探す (さがす)

Meaning of 探す
The Japanese verb "探す" (さがす, sagasu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- To search / To look for: The act of trying to find something or someone that is missing or needed.
- Example: 友達を探している。
- Translation: I'm looking for my friend.
- To explore / To investigate: Can imply a more thorough or scientific search, like exploring possibilities or investigating options.
- Example: 新しい市場を探している。
- Translation: We're exploring new markets.
Learn 探す from Animes
そう… ズバリ賢者の石!
Yes... precisely, the Philosopher's Stone!
Isn't that ring it?!
(Edward) I've been searching...
(コーネロ) これはただの指輪だ
(Cornello) This is just a ring.
私は神から奇跡の業を 許されたのだよ
I have been granted the power of miracles by God.
Are you still pretending?
どうやらとっ捕まえて 体に聞かなきゃなら ねえようだな
It seems I'll have to capture you to find out.
(アームストロング) 本当にいいのか?
(Armstrong) Are you really sure about this?
不完全品とはいえ 石だけならば 力づくで 取り上げることもできた
Although it's an imperfect product, if it's just the stone, I could have taken it by force.
ああ 喉から手が出るくらい 欲しかったよ
Ah, I wanted it so badly I could practically reach out and grab it.
(アルフォンス) この町の人たちの 大切 な支えを奪ってまで―
(Alphonse) To take away something so important to the people of this town—
I don't want to return to my original body that badly.
賢者の石が作れるんだって 分かっただけ でも収穫だ
It's a gain just knowing that the Philosopher's Stone can be made.
I'll look for another way.
うん? どした?
Huh? What's up?
👉👉どうだろう? 中佐 この人 働き口探し てるんだけど
How about it, Colonel? This person is looking for a job.
確かに軍の刑事記録も読んで 覚えてます けど
I've read and remembered the military criminal records too.
よっしゃ 今すぐ手続きだ うちは給料いい ぞー
Alright, let's proceed right away. Our pay is good!
ええっ そんな… あのっ ありがとう ございます
Eeh, such... Thank you very much.
自信持って頑張ってみます 本当に ありがとう
I'll do my best with confidence. Really, thank you.
(シェスカ)あああ (ヒューズ)早速仕事 だ アハハハ
(Sheska) Aaah, (Hughes) Straight to work haha
👉👉あたしは 今日の宿を探しに行くわ
I'm going to look for a place to stay for tonight.
何っ? だったらうちに 泊まっていけよ!
What? In that case, why don't you stay at my place!
でも… (ヒューズ)気にすんなって!
But... (Hughes) Don't worry about it!
My wife and daughter would be happy!
(ウィンリィ)いえ あの… (ヒューズ) よーし そうしよう!
(Winry) No, I mean... (Hughes) Alright, let's do that!
(ウィンリィ) えっ あの ちょっと!
(Winry) Eh, wait a minute!
(ヒューズ) ほらほら 行くぞ! ハハハッ…
(Hughes) Come on, let's go! Hahaha...
(ウィンリィ) あえ ちょっとーっ!
(Winry) Wait a minute!
大佐である私の命令であろうと 言うわけに はいかない
Even if I order it as a colonel,
ということは 私以上の者が 少佐に口止め しているということ
it means someone higher up is silencing the Lieutenant Colonel.
軍上層部 絡みと考えていいだろう
We can assume it involves the military high command.
👉👉そして エルリック兄弟の探し物
And then, there's the thing that the Elric brothers are looking for
すなわち 賢者の石だ
None other than, the Philosopher's Stone.
軍上層部に関わる組織と 賢者の石と ヒューズ中佐…
The organization related to the military high command and the Philosopher's Stone along with Lieutenant Colonel Hughes...
What kind of connection could there be?
(マスタング) 今は まだ分からん
(Mustang) Right now, we don't know yet,
だが中央に転属したら 上層部を探って
but once I'm transferred to Central, I'll probe the high command
ヒューズを殺した奴を 必ず いぶり出して やる
and I swear I will ferret out the person who killed Hughes.
公私混同とは あなたらしくないですね
Mixing personal issues with official duties isn't like you.
公も私も あるものか
There's no separating the two for me.
大総統の地位をもらうのも ヒューズのあだ を討つのも
Whether it's taking the position of President or avenging Hughes,
全て 私一個人の意思だ
it's all my personal resolve.
なあ リン その錬丹術ってやつさ 詳しく 教えてくれよ
Hey, Ling, tell me more about that medical alkahestry of yours.
無理 オレ 錬丹術師じゃないから
No can do, I'm not an Alkahestrist.
(アルフォンス・エドワード) あああっ…
(Alphonse & Edward) Aaaah...
術師じゃねえのに 何を調べに来たんだよ?
If you're not an Alkahestrist, then what are you looking for here?
Just looking for something.
Maybe you guys know about it?
Shall we look for the bullet they said was used?
(ロス) 第五研究所は謎の爆発で
(Ross) The Fifth Laboratory has turned into
a mountain of rubble due to a mysterious explosion.
君が銃を使用したと 主張する場所は―
The location where you claim the gun was used—
Was originally uninhabited,
👉👉弾を探し出そうにも がれきの下 という わけか
And even if one were to look for bullets, they'd be under the rubble, it seems.
まずはこいつから情報を引き出す 賢者の石 も頂こう
First, let's extract some information from this guy, and we'll take the Philosopher's Stone too.
Might be useful for treating my subordinate.
(Ling) Hey, hey, hey.
ランファンが腕を失ってまで 手に入れた
Lan Fan lost her arm to obtain
this clue to immortality.
I'm taking it back to Xing.
(エドワード) ちょっと待てよ
(Edward) Hold on a second.
👉👉こっちだって元の体に戻る方法を 長いこと 探してるんだ
We've been looking for a way to get back to our original bodies for a long time too.
I won't allow you to run off with it.
(マスタング) そうだ リン 君は不法 入国だ
(Mustang) That's right, Ling, you're here illegally.
(ノックス) ああもう ついていけねえ
(Knox) Ah, I can't keep up with this.
マスタングさんよ オレは帰らせてもらうぞ
Mustang, I'm heading home.
(Gluttony) Mustang...
There's no sound of hitting the bottom...
👉👉(リン) 壁だ! 壁 探そう!
(Ling) It's a wall! Look for the wall!
(エドワード) そうだ! どんな だだっ広い空間でも
(Edward) Right! No matter how vast the space,
真っ直ぐ行きゃあ いつかは端にたどり着く !
if you go straight, you'll eventually reach an edge!
There has to be an exit to find!
(Ling) Sorry about that.
(Edward) For what?
(リン) オレをかばったばっかりに
(Ling) Because you got hurt protecting me.
別に ガキん時の修行に比べりゃ 大した ことねえし
(Edward) It's nothing compared to the training from our childhood.
ここが どこだか 分かんねえのは困るが
Not knowing where we are is a problem, though.
👉👉とりあえず ピンシャンしてる おかげで 出口は探せるし
But thanks to you, I'm not pinned down, so we can look for an exit.
You're quite optimistic.
(エンヴィー) こうすれば 撃てないんだ よねえ
(Envy) This way, you can't shoot, can you?
(Edward) You bastard.
(リン)いいんだ 撃つな
(Ling) It's fine, don't shoot.
余計なマネはするな オレはこれでいい
Don't do anything unnecessary. I'm fine with this.
(Edward) What?
👉👉(リン) 賢者の石を探しに この国に来た
(Ling) I came to this country to find the Philosopher's Stone.
それを わざわざくれるというんだ 願っ たり叶ったりだ
If they're offering it willingly, it's a wish come true.
(エドワード) お前 何言ってんだ
(Edward) What are you talking about?
ほう 面白い
Oh, how interesting.
Then I shall grant your wish as you desire.
(マルコー) この国を使って賢者の石を 作ろうとしているのかと
(Marco) They're planning to use this country to make the Philosopher's Stone
or so I heard from Envy.
だが奴は笑って言った 惜しい いい線いっ てる とね…
But he laughed and said, "Close, you're on the right track."
以前 私はエドワード君に
Before, I told Edward,
君なら真実の奥のさらなる真実に 気づく だろうと言った
You would notice the truth beyond the truth.
真実とは賢者の石の材料が 生きた人間で あること
The truth is that the Philosopher's Stone is made from living humans.
真実の奥とは それを指導した者たちの存在
The truth beyond that is the existence of those who guided this.
And the further truth is
国土全部を使っての 賢者の石の錬成
the creation of the Philosopher's Stone using the entire land.
だが そこで終わりではない
But that's not the end of it.
最終的に奴らは 何をしようとしているのか
What are they ultimately trying to do?
Even the method of immortality you're seeking,
だから 賢者の石に求めてはいけない
you must not seek it through the Philosopher's Stone.
With my knowledge and your knowledge of alchemy,
なんとしても この研究書を読み解こう
let's decipher this research document at all costs.
(May) Yes.
(男) なんだか最近中央に―
(Man) It seems like recently in Central
イシュヴァール人 増えてきてるよなあ?
there are more Ishvalans, huh?
(男) そうそう 西の廃ビル辺りに 結構 集団でいるみたいだぜ
(Man) Yeah, yeah, seems like they're gathering in groups around the abandoned buildings to the west.
(男) イシュヴァール人といやあ 以前 ここにいた
(Man) Speaking of Ishvalans, the one who was here before
バッテン傷の兄ちゃん どうしてっかなあ?
That guy with the cross-shaped scar. What happened to him?
(Three Men) Hmm?
(男1) よお バッテン傷の兄ちゃん!
(Man 1) Yo, guy with the cross scar!
(男2) うわさをすれば なんとやらだ
(Man 2) Speak of the devil.
👉👉(傷の男) カナマという スラムを探して いるのだが
(Scar) I'm looking for a slum called Kanama.
(男) うん? カナマなら 町外れの南の ほう 森の中にあるよ
(Man) Hmm? If it's Kanama, it's in the woods to the south on the outskirts of town.
そうか すまない
Really? Thanks.
Welcome back.
(アルフォンス) なんだよ… この細い腕
(Alphonse) What are these... skinny arms?
骨と皮ばかりで 立っているのがやっとじゃ ないか
Just skin and bones, barely able to stand.
こんな こんな…
Like this, like this...
こんな体で戦えるわけない! みんな戦って いるのに…
There's no way I can fight like this! While everyone else is fighting...
You don't want to become one with me?
(アルフォンス) そんなわけないだろ!
(Alphonse) Of course not!
ずっと ずっとずっと 元の体に戻ることを 考えてきた!
I've been thinking about returning to my original body for so long!
And yet...
今はダメだ そんな体じゃダメだ!
It's not okay now, not with that body!
It's just not okay with that body...
You want to go back there?
その体で あっちに戻りたい?
You want to go back there with that body?
If you're going, I won't stop you.
ごめん また来るから もう少し頑張ってて !
I'm sorry, I'll come back again, so hang in there a bit longer!
必ず来るから! 絶対 約束するから!
I'll definitely come back! I promise!
(エドワード)アル 大丈夫か!
(Edward) Al, are you okay!
(May) Lord Alphonse!
(Izumi Curtis) Al!
(Alphonse) Ah, Master!
兄さん メイ …ってここは あっ!
Brother, Mei... where am I? Ah!
👉👉(アルフォンスの肉体)仲間を助けるために 長年 探し続けた肉体を置いていく
(Alphonse's body) Leaving behind the body I've searched for years to help my friends.
My noble soul,
I take pride in being your vessel.
けど 君が戻ることで…
But, by you returning...
この世が絶望に 満ちてしまうかもしれない んだよ
This world might be filled with despair because of it.
5人 そろった
The five are gathered.