How to use 雑音 (ざつおん)

Meaning of 雑音

The Japanese verb "雑音" (ざつおん, zatsuon) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Noise / Static: Refers to unwanted or disturbing sounds that interfere with desired sounds or signals.
    • Example: ラジオから雑音が聞こえる。
    • Translation: I can hear noise from the radio.
  2. Disturbance / Interference: Can also mean any form of interference or disruption, not just auditory.
    • Example: 会議中に雑音が入った。
    • Translation: There was an interruption during the meeting.

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(オヤジ) あんたたちが直してくれた
(Old Man) That radio you guys fixed,

あのラジオ あれから調子いいよ
it's been working great ever since.

No more static either.