How to use 御覧 (ごらん)

Meaning of 御覧

The Japanese verb "御覧" (ごらん, goran) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Look / See / Watch: A polite form used to invite someone to view or look at something.
    • Example: どうぞ、これを御覧ください。
    • Translation: Please look at this.
  2. Inspection / View: Can also refer to the act of examining or inspecting something, often in a formal or respectful manner.
    • Example: この絵を御覧になると、美しさがわかります。
    • Translation: When you view this painting, you'll appreciate its beauty.

Learn 御覧 from Animes


珍しくもないでしょ? こんな街なんだし
It's not that unusual, right? This is the kind of town it is.

(パニーニャ)ちなみに (エドワード・ アルフォンス)わあ
(Paninya) By the way, (Edward & Alphonse) Wow!

左足には1.5インチ カルバリン砲
A 1.5-inch culverin on the left leg.


👉👉へへーッ! 捕まえて御覧
Hehe! Try and catch me!


👉👉メイちゃん 見て御覧
Look, Mei-chan.


(マルコー) ブリッグズ山脈だ
That's the Briggs Mountain Range.

北の大国 ドラクマとの 国境になる山々だ よ
The mountains that form the border with the northern great nation, Drachma.

そろそろ傷の男が 示した場所に近いはずだ が…
We should be getting close to the location Scar has indicated...



あなたが心配しているのは これでしょう?
This is what you're worried about, isn't it?

(レイブン) よろしい では仕事だ
(Raven) Alright, then let's get to work.

しかし 私はご覧のとお… うん?
However, as you can see... huh?

(レイブン) 錬金術を使える医者を連れて きた
(Raven) I've brought a doctor who can use alchemy.

そして 石がある あっという間に全快だよ
And with the stone, you'll be healed in no time.


スロウスが掘っているトンネルが もうじき 完成します
The tunnel that Sloth is digging will soon be completed.

フッ 分かりました
Heh, understood.

血の紋を刻んで ご覧にいれましょう
We'll carve the mark of blood and show it to you.

At Briggs' fortress.


(オヤジ) ご覧のありさまだ 今さら 入っても何もないよ
(Old Man) As you can see, it's too late now; there's nothing to gain by going in.

(ホーエンハイム) 地下に降りる通路は あるかな?
(Hohenheim) Is there a passage down to the underground?

(ロゼ) えっ ええ あるにはあります けど
(Rose) Uh, yes, there is one, but...


(ブラッドレイ) さて… 私はご覧のあり さまなわけだが
(Bradley) Now then... As you can see, I'm in this condition,

アメストリス大総統を討ち取って 名を 上げるのは誰かね?
who will make a name for themselves by defeating the Führer of Amestris?

合成獣か? よそ者か? マスタングの犬か ?
A chimera? An outsider? One of Mustang's dogs?

それとも 全員でかかってくるか?
Or will you all come at me together?