How to use 拾う (ひろう)

Meaning of 拾う

The Japanese verb "拾う" (ひろう, hirou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. To pick up: Picking up something from the ground
    • Example: 彼は道に落ちている財布を拾った。
    • Translation: He picked up a wallet that was on the road.
  2. To gather: Collecting items or assembling things
    • Example: 彼はビーチで色とりどりの貝を拾った。
    • Translation: He gathered colorful shells on the beach.
  3. To find: Discovering something accidentally
    • Example: 彼は歩いていて偶然10ドルを拾った。
    • Translation: He found $10 by chance while walking.
  4. To select: Choosing from among various options
    • Example: 彼は適切な言葉を慎重に拾う。
    • Translation: He carefully selects the appropriate words.