How to use 争う (あらそう)

Meaning of 争う

The Japanese verb "争う" (あらそう, arasou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to compete: Engaging in a contest or rivalry to achieve superiority.
    • Example: 彼らはチームリーダーの位置を争っている。
    • Translation: They are competing for the position of team leader.
  2. to dispute: Arguing or debating over differences in opinion or claims.
    • Example: 二人はその土地の所有権を争っている。
    • Translation: The two are disputing ownership of the land.
  3. to fight: Engaging in a physical or verbal confrontation.
    • Example: 兄弟がおもちゃをめぐって争っている。
    • Translation: The brothers are fighting over a toy.

Learn 争う from Full Metal Alchemist Anime