How to use 争う (あらすじ)
Meaning of 争う
The Japanese verb "争う" (あらすじ, arasou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- to compete: Engaging in a contest or rivalry to achieve superiority.
- Example: 彼らはチームリーダーの位置を争っている。
- Translation: They are competing for the position of team leader.
- to dispute: Arguing or debating over differences in opinion or claims.
- Example: 二人はその土地の所有権を争っている。
- Translation: The two are disputing ownership of the land.
- to fight: Engaging in a physical or verbal confrontation.
- Example: 兄弟がおもちゃをめぐって争っている。
- Translation: The brothers are fighting over a toy.
Learn 争う from Animes
皇子っつっても たくさんいるんだよ
Even though they say "prince," there are many of them.
シンは 50からの民族が集まって できて いる国家で
Shin is a nation formed by 50 ethnic groups coming together,
and at its pinnacle, an emperor reigns.
そして 各民族の長の娘が 皇帝に嫁ぎ 子 を生むんだ
And the daughters of each ethnic leader marry the emperor and bear children.
今の皇帝には 皇子24人 皇女19人がい て
The current emperor has 24 princes and 19 princesses.
オレは その中の12番目だ
I'm the twelfth among them.
43 children…
👉👉(アルフォンス) 後継者争いとか起きない の?
(Alphonse) Aren't there any struggles for succession?
(リン) それ 今 まさに直面してる問題
(Lin) That's exactly the issue we are facing right now.
皇帝の体調が かなり悪くてねえ
The emperor's health is quite poor
どの民族も今のうちに 取り入ろうと躍起に なってる
And each ethnic group is desperate to gain favor now.
That's why I also…
不老不死の方法を餌にして 取り入る
use the promise of immortality as bait to curry favor.
(Lin) Well said!
メイ お前はこれを持って国へ帰れ
Mei, take this with you and return to your country.
えっ? (ヨキ)ちょっと 旦那
Eh? (Yoki) Wait a minute, sir.
It's the remains of a Homunculus that cannot die even if killed.
これで お前の一族が 助かるかもしれん
This might save your clan.
でっ でも私が帰ったら 錬丹術のことが
But if I return, regarding Alkahestry...
(傷の男) 人の国に構っている場合か?
(Scar) Is this the time to be concerned about the country of other people?
そんな覚悟で この国に来たのか?
Did you come to this country with that resolve?
👉👉もし 権力争いに負けたら―
If you lose in the power struggle—
お前は 命運を 託してくれた者たちに
Will you, the one entrusted with your people's fate
よその国に構ってて 助けられなかったと
tell them that you couldn't help because you were meddling with the issues of another country?
Are you going to give such excuses?