How to use 預かる (あずかる)

Meaning of 預かる

The Japanese verb "預かる" (あずかる, azukaru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to take care of: Taking responsibility for looking after someone or something temporarily.
    • Example: 私は友人の犬を一週間預かります。
    • Translation: I will take care of my friend’s dog for a week.
  2. to keep: Holding something for someone else, usually temporarily.
    • Example: 彼女は私の荷物をコンサート中預かってくれた。
    • Translation: She kept my luggage during the concert.
  3. to receive on someone's behalf: Accepting something intended for someone else, typically to deliver it later.
    • Example: 私は隣人の代わりに配達物を預かりました。
    • Translation: I received a delivery on behalf of my neighbor.

Learn 預かる from Animes


(アルフォンス) ランファン ダメだよ まだ寝てなきゃ!
(Alphonse) Lan Fan, no, you need to rest!

(Lan Fan) The young master...

Is the young master not with us?

👉👉(アルフォンス) だっ 大丈夫 生きてる 伝言を預かってきた
(Alphonse) He's okay, he's alive. I have a message from him.


(リザ・ホークアイ) 夜分に失礼致します
(Riza Hawkeye) Excuse me for disturbing you at night.

閣下に急ぎの書類を 届けに参りました
I've come to deliver some urgent documents to His Excellency.

(ブラッドレイ夫人) あらまあ ごめんなさい あの人 今 出かけてるのよ
(Mrs. Bradley) Oh dear, I'm sorry, he just went out.

(リザ) 明日までに目を通しておいて いただきたいのですが
(Riza) I would like it if he could look through them by tomorrow.

By tomorrow then.

👉👉分かりました お預かりします
Understood, I will take care of it.

Thank you very much...



keep this for me.

I'll be waiting at the fort!


👉👉(エドワード)ピアス 預かりっぱなしだ
(Edward) The earring is still with me.

ウィンリィにも アルにも しばらく会え そうにないな
I don't think I'll be seeing Winry or Al for a while.

来たるべき その日… か
Is that day coming...?