How to use 生ずる (しょうずる)
Meaning of 生ずる
The Japanese verb "生ずる" (しょうずる, shouzuru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- To arise / To occur: Used to describe something that comes into existence or happens, particularly events or situations.
- Example: Mondai ga shouzuru koto ga arimasu.
- Translation: Problems can arise.
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(ナレーション)錬金術は物質を理解・分解 ・再構築する科学なり
(Narration) Alchemy is the science of understanding, deconstructing, and reconstructing matter.
👉👉されど 万能の技にはあらず 無から有を 生ずること能わず
However, it is not an omnipotent art; it cannot create something from nothing.
何かを得ようと欲すれば必ず同等の 対価を 支払うものなり
If one wishes to obtain something, something of equal value must be given.
これすなわち錬金術の基本 等価交換なり
This is the fundamental law of alchemy, the principle of equivalent exchange.