How to use 削る (けずる)

Meaning of 削る

The Japanese verb "削る" (けずる, kezuru) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. to shave: to remove thin layers or slices from a surface
    • Example: 鉛筆を削る
    • Translation: I sharpen the pencil.
  2. 削る: to whittle
    • Example: to carve or shape wood by cutting away small pieces
    • Translation: 木を削って人形を作る

Learn 削る from Animes


(ピナコ) とりあえずはスペアで我慢しと くれ
(Pinako) For now, make do with the spare.

おう よっと… やっぱ慣れてない足は歩き にくいな
Yeah, right... I'm not used to these legs; they're hard to walk on.

(ピナコ) 慣れる前に仕上げてやるよ
(Pinako) I'll finish it before you get used to them.

👉👉とはいえ 削り出し 組み立て 接続 仕上げ…
Although, it involves cutting, assembling, connecting, finishing...

It'll be a perfect all-nighter.

悪いな 無理言って…
Sorry for the trouble...

フッ 1日も早く中央に行きたいんでしょ?
Huh, you want to get to Central as soon as possible, right?

Then I'll make an exception and do it!

その代わり 特急料金 ガッポリもらうから ね!
In return, I'm going to ask for a hefty express fee!