How to use 出張 (しゅっちょう)

Meaning of 出張

The Japanese verb "出張" (しゅっちょう, shucchou) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:

  1. Business trip: Refers to travel undertaken for work or business purposes.
    • Example: 彼は来週大阪に出張に行く。
    • Translation: He is going on a business trip to Osaka next week.

Learn 出張 from Animes



あんたからかけてくるなんて 珍しいじゃ ない
It's rare for you to call me.

ああっ あのさあ 言いにくいんだけど…
Ah, um, this is hard to say but...

👉👉中央まで 出張整備してくれないかな?
Could you come to Central for an on-site repair?

(Winry) On-site repair?

いやっ 右腕がな…
Yeah, my right arm...

The fingers move but―

I can't lift the arm at all.


えっ… べっ 別に ウィンリィのせいじゃ ねえよ!
Eh... well, it's not really Winry's fault!

元はと言えばオレが むちゃな使い方した からだし
Ultimately, it was because I used it recklessly.

整備はいつもどおり完璧だった! アハハッ …
The maintenance was perfect as usual! Ahaha...

(ウィンリィ)ネジの締め忘れに気がついて ない?
(Winry) Didn't you notice the screw I forgot to tighten?

それに腕 壊れたから―
And because the arm broke—

余計なケガしなくって 済んだともいえるし さ
You could say it prevented unnecessary injuries.

アハッ 気にすんなよ! なっ なっ?
Ahaha, don't worry about it! What, what?

(ウィンリィ)…って 結果オーライ?
(Winry) …so, it all worked out?

👉👉アハーッ じゃあ早速 出張整備の話だけど !
Ahaha! Then let's talk about the on-site maintenance!

And yes, it includes the express fee!



If you plan on staying in the north for long,

寒冷地仕様の機械鎧へ 付け替えなさい
switch to automail designed for cold climates.

Where's your personal mechanic?

She's in Rush Valley.

(女医) 客が北国に来るってのに 説明も 付け替えもなし?
(Female Doctor) She let her client come north without any explanation or a replacement?

ああ いや 北に来るって 話してなかった から
Oh, well, I didn't tell her I was coming to the North.

👉👉死にたくなければ出張してでも 付け替えて もらうことね
If you don't want to die, get it changed, even though this is a business trip.

Here ya go...