How to use 必ず (かならず)

Meaning of 必ず
The Japanese verb "必ず" (かならず, kanarazu) can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here's a list of its primary meanings along with examples:
- always: Used to express certainty
- Example: 私は必ず毎日日記を書きます。
- Translation: I always write in my diary every day.
- without fail: Used to emphasize that something will definitely occur
- Example: 彼は必ず約束を守ります。
- Translation: He will keep his promise without fail.
- Invariably: Implies that something happens in every case, without exception.
- Example: この薬を飲むと必ず眠くなります。
- Translation: When you take this medicine, you invariably get sleepy.
- Necessarily: Implies a strong degree of certainty or requirement.
- Example: 必ずその会議に出席してください。
- Translation: Please attend that meeting necessarily.
- surely: Used to indicate strong likelihood
- Example: 必ずや彼は成功するでしょう。
- Translation: Surely, he will succeed.
Learn 必ず from Animes
(ナレーション)錬金術は物質を理解・分解 ・再構築する科学なり
(Narration) Alchemy is the science of understanding, deconstructing, and reconstructing matter.
されど 万能の技にはあらず 無から有を 生ずること能わず
However, it is not an omnipotent art; it cannot create something from nothing.
👉👉何かを得ようと欲すれば必ず同等の 対価を 支払うものなり
If one wishes to obtain something, something of equal value must be given.
(ヒューズ) ウィンリィちゃん 今日 出発だっけな
(Hughes) Winry-chan, today's the day for your journey, right?
仕事で 見送りに行けないけど 元気でな
I can't go to see you off because of work, but take care.
あっ ヒューズさん 本当にお世話になり ました
Oh, Hughes-san, thank you so much for everything.
👉👉中央に来た時は また 必ず遊びに来てくれ よ
When you come to Central, be sure to visit us again.
自分の家だと思ってさ それと あいつらに もよろしくな
Treat it like your own home. And say hi to them for me.
(エリシア) パパ 頑張ってねーっ!
(Elicia) Daddy, do your best!
(グレイシア) いってらっしゃい!
(Gracia) Have a safe trip!
(Train whistle)
大佐である私の命令であろうと 言うわけに はいかない
Even if I order it as a colonel,
ということは 私以上の者が 少佐に口止め しているということ
it means someone higher up is silencing the Lieutenant Colonel.
軍上層部 絡みと考えていいだろう
We can assume it involves the military high command.
そして エルリック兄弟の探し物
And then, there's the thing that the Elric brothers are looking for
すなわち 賢者の石だ
None other than, the Philosopher's Stone.
軍上層部に関わる組織と 賢者の石と ヒューズ中佐…
The organization related to the military high command and the Philosopher's Stone along with Lieutenant Colonel Hughes...
What kind of connection could there be?
(マスタング) 今は まだ分からん
(Mustang) Right now, we don't know yet,
だが中央に転属したら 上層部を探って
but once I'm transferred to Central, I'll probe the high command
👉👉ヒューズを殺した奴を 必ず いぶり出して やる
and I swear I will ferret out the person who killed Hughes.
公私混同とは あなたらしくないですね
Mixing personal issues with official duties isn't like you.
公も私も あるものか
There's no separating the two for me.
大総統の地位をもらうのも ヒューズのあだ を討つのも
Whether it's taking the position of President or avenging Hughes,
全て 私一個人の意思だ
it's all my personal resolve.
👉👉一生かかっても 必ずお礼をするつもり
I'll repay him, no matter how long it takes.
まだ一度だって代金を受け取って くれた ことはないけどね
He has never once accepted payment, though.
(Winry) So you became a thief.
本当に感謝してるなら スリなんてやめ なさい!
If you're really grateful, stop stealing!
(ウィンリィ) この両足はドミニクさんが 誠意でくれたものよ
(Winry) These legs were a gift from Mr. Dominic.
だったら あんたも誠意で 応えなきゃダメ !
You have to respond with sincerity too!
If you say you'll take a lifetime,
スリなんかしないで しっかりと立って働く の
then work hard and stand tall without stealing!
With those legs!
I'm quitting as the State Alchemist.
犬の証 血にまみれておるわ
The dog's badge is stained with blood.
あんたたちのたくらみも それがなんであれ
Whatever your schemes are,
I will definitely thwart them.
他の術師たちに言いふらして そして…
I'll spread the word to the other alchemists, And then...
(ブラッドレイ) なんと言ったかな あの 娘…
(Bradley) What was that girl's name again?
そう ウィンリィ・ロックベル
Oh, Winry Rockbell.
(Riza) Ordinary soldiers might fire randomly
その1発が 偶然 人の命を奪うこともある
And one of their bullets might accidentally take a life.
👉👉でも狙撃は違う 引き金を引けば必ず人が 死ぬ
But sniping is different. When you pull the trigger, someone will always die.
原因と結果が これほど明確に結びついて いるのは
The cause and effect, having this extent of a clear connection, applies to
snipers and
State Alchemists only
👉👉金は貸したままにしておく 必ず返して もらうぞ
Keep the money borrowed. I'll make sure you pay it back.
んじゃ そん時はまた 小銭借りるさ
Then, I'll borrow some more small change at that time.
民主制になったら返して やるってな
I'll return it when we get a democracy.
それも返したらまた借りて 何か 約束 とりつけてやる
And when you return that, I'll borrow again and make some kind of promise.
つまり私はかなり長生き せねばならん ということか
So, I'll have to live quite long then?
そうだよ 中尉とかに心配かけてんじゃねえ よ
Yeah, don't worry Lieutenant Hawkeye and the others.
(エドワード) 送ってくれて どうもな
(Edward) Thanks for seeing us off.
(ハインケル) ザンパノとジェルソが心配 だなあ
(Heinkel) I'm worried about Zampano and Jerso.
(Darius) Did Scar get them
Or are they stuck in this blizzard…
(ブリッグズ兵) 動けないのは傷の男も 同じ!
(Briggs soldier) Scar is also unable to move!
He's definitely somewhere in this town!
今のうちに 再捜索の手はずを整えましょう !
Let's organize another search while we can!
よろしい 君に席を与えよう
Very well, I will give you a seat.
代わりにブリッグズ砦は 私の手の者が 治めるが よいな?
In return, Fort Briggs will be governed by my people. Is that acceptable?
どうぞ ご随意に
Please, do as you wish.
👉👉手塩にかけた 屈強な兵たちです 必ずや 閣下のお気に召すでしょう
They are strong soldiers, trained with care. I'm sure they will please you.
気に入ったぞ したたかにあがけよ 人間
I like it. Struggle as much as you can, humans.
銃弾では効き目はない 上あごを潰せ!
Bullets won't work. Crush the upper jaw!
少なくとも… かみ殺されることはなくなる
At the very least… you won't be bitten to death.
In pairs, make sure to take down one each.
中央兵士の勇猛さを 私に見せてみろ!
Show me the bravery of Central soldiers!
(中央軍兵士たち)おっ おお!
(Central soldiers) Oh! Oh!
すまない エドワード…
I'm sorry, Edward…
(エドワード) うっ くっ… てえっ!
(Edward) Ugh… Damn it!
考えろ! 考えろ! 史上最年少の国家 錬金術師だろ!
Think! Think! You're the youngest State Alchemist in history!
Thanks to seeing the Truth,
錬成陣なしに 錬金術が使えるんだろう!
You can perform alchemy without a transmutation circle!
👉👉方法はあるはずだ 必ず!
There must be a way. There has to be!